Tuesday 10 June 2014

WOYWW 262 baby blanket

I may have been a little too optimistic on my last post about finishing my white work kit! Here's the pic as I added it later so some of you may have missed it!

Sorry I didn't post last week but my little one was Ill with his first cold so I didn't manage to get anything done as lots of cuddles were needed. He also had his first set of injections last Wednesday and was really grizzly in the afternoon so I just couldn't get my post done! 

Anyway I've decided to try something a little bit easier to pick up and put down so I am going to try and finish the baby blanket I started when I found out I was pregnant (yes I know it's taken a long time but I got bored! Should have done squares to make it more interesting but it's too late now!) 

Thanks for visiting!

Emma x

Pop over to Julia's  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/ see more work desks it's great fun and very addictive!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma. Enjoy your little one while you can and if he needs you just let life stop and see to his needs....blogging will wait....and so will we :-)
    Annie x
