Tuesday 27 May 2014

WOYWW 260 The wedding

On Sunday my beautiful sister was married in a lovely ceremony and I now have another new brother! I have to say she looked stunning in her dress and he scrubbed up well too ;-) 

Kilian looked really cute in his little suit and I even managed over a couple of days to make the brooch for my mum to wear. It's made with silver pearl purl, cake wire, organza and beads.

This week on my work desk is a piece of white work dragonfly that I started as an introduction kit a while ago...hopefully it won't take too long to finish!!

Thanks for visiting!

Emma x

Pop over to Julia's  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/ see more work desks it's great fun and very addictive!

Wednesday 21 May 2014

WOYWW 259 Wedding Suit

Hi everyone, last week on my work desk was a shirt and trousers I was going to make into a suit for my son to wear at my sisters wedding. 

Well firstly I gave in a bought a patten but I think you'll forgive me as he is only 6 weeks old. Whoever designed that pattern clearly has know idea how big a new born is as we (fairythoughts (mum) and I) must have reduced it by at least half if not more!! 

Secondly being the idiot that I am I forgot the take the shirt and trousers to my mums where I was going to have a babysitter (Auntie Lucy) so I could actually get it done! Thankfully my dad donated a shirt and we managed to get a skirt from a charity shop for 99p! 

After all that with a lot of help from
Mum with pattern cutting (I'm not as experienced with making clothes as she is!) and Auntie Lucy taking care of Kilian we managed to make a shirt, trousers and waistcoat leaving only the buttons for me to sew on when I got home in less than a day! Not bad really!! So here's the result 

He is going to look so cute in this! I will put a picture up next week after the wedding of him wearing it! 

This week I am going to make my mum a gold work and organza brooch to wear at the wedding which is my own design (I know! I don't normally leave everything to the last minute ;-) ).

Thanks for visiting!

Emma x

Pop over to Julia's  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/ see more work desks it's great fun and very addictive!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

WOYWW 258 my first time

This is my first WOYWW but as I know you all have a lot to visit I'll keep it short.
On my work desk this week is the shirt and trousers I'm hopefully going to transform into a suit for my son as I mentioned in my last post. I'll keep u updated on my progress and hopefully by next week I'll have the finished outfit on my work desk! Baby allowing! 

As the wedding is only a week and a half away I'd best get cracking!

Thanks for visiting! 
Pop over to Julia's  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/ see more work desks it's great fun and very addictive 

Emma x

Hello and Welcome to my blog!

As this is my first post I suppose I should tell you all a bit about myself. I have just become a mother to a gorgeous little boy (who seems to have naturally developed a Mohawk!). I am also very creative studying both embroidery and printed textiles. I hope to upload some images of my previous work soon for you all to see. I am currently trying to finish a baby blanket and also create a suit for my son to wear at my sisters wedding (who knew baby suits could be so expensive!!). Luckily I have one of my old work shirts and a pair of my husbands work trousers (they conveniently developed a hole!) that I am hopefully going to turn into a cute little suit for him, fingers crossed! Will keep you posted on my progress...so far I've managed to create a leg pattern! Right better get back to it! 

Emma x

Oh and if you haven't guessed yet I love purple!!